- GIS Day 2017
Adam, Jay, Michelle, Joe, Mark, Jeremie, Robert
- The ITS ESRI info center ( is expired and needs to go through a content review process. It is meant for ESRI stuff only going forward as that is what ITS supports. Other info/resources should live on
- IGIC Meeting on October 10 in Des Moines
- Mini Grant funds are available for small GIS projects. If approved, they expect a recap, etc. on what it was used for and the outcomes.
- Michelle suggested the American Gothic House in Jones County as a possible project to apply for.
- Lot of Regional Conferences are coming up:
- MAGIC (Omaha) April 22 - 26
- Upper Midwest GEOCON (Lacrosse)
- ITAG (West Des Moines) June 12 – 15
- Mini Grant funds are available for small GIS projects. If approved, they expect a recap, etc. on what it was used for and the outcomes.
- Flood Center has obtained enough funding to hire up to 4 GIS Technician/Analyst positions (1 year/full time). They will approach previous employees first.
- is up an running.
- The GIS TAC Elections took place. Adam Skibbe is Chair, Joe Whitsitt is Secretary.
- Need to go through bylaws to add Co-Chair.
- Though GIS Day is November 15th, the group elected to plan most events on November 9th to avoid academic finals and Thanksgiving break.
- Celebration space/viewing party - Jesse/Michelle/Jeremie
- Cartographic Contest - Adam
- Submissions will open up November 1st.
- Advertising (print/departments) - Robert
- Advertising (web) - Joe
- Geocaching - Jay
- Talks - Michelle
- Record Talks - Jeremie
- Establish CIC GIS Day relationship - Adam/Robert
- Big Grove Speaking Events this fall
Action Items
- GIS InfoCenter/GIS Website Content Review - Nick, Adam, Joe
- Announce Flood Center Job Positions - Michelle
- GIS Day - See Above
- Bylaws review/revision - Adam, Volunteer