- News: Open for all
- Site License news - Adam
- GITA Conference
- EIGIS Meeting - Nov 13
- Moen:
- Moen: CGRER 25th Anniversary reception - RSVP
- Going forward: established meeting times - if possible, and established action item dates
- New members: Who do we need / want / is there anyone we're missing?
- To do: GIS Day Planning - yes, already
- events?
- volunteers?
- speakers?
- LiDAR with michelle and adam more?
- Steering committee names
Adam Skibbe, Nick Carino-Marek, Robert Shepard, Jess Soukup, Michelle Wienhold, Jay Geisen, Joe Whitsitt
Site License
Pricing is still being worked on. Might actually be cheaper going forward. Adam says it definitely isn't going up. With the license, there will be 1-2 "free seats" for the ESRI Conference. Competition will be tough so Adam recommends getting on the IGIC mailing list to increase odds.
Eastern Iowa GIS User Group Meeting is November 13th. There will be GIS TAC members going. Since it will be around GIS Day, there might be enough interest to consider shuttling folks up/back.
A group out of Wisconsin is trying to plan a Midwest conference. They are shooting for March, but many details have yet to be figured out.
Robert will check with CIC members during an upcoming GeoPortal meeting to see about any other TAC/Governance structures at other schools that we could coordinate/communicate with.
Speaking Events
Robert will be talking today (9/4) at the Geography Department. Michelle will be giving a LiDAR-based talk September 21st at the Art building.
Jay has concerns about meeting accessibility requirements with some of the maps he is publishing to the web. He has been in contact with Todd Weissenberger of ITS to see what can be done since he is working with a vended product.
Regular Meetings
Adam expressed interest in scheduling regular meetings with the group, and will be checking TAC member's schedules to see about a time that works with most folks.
GIS Day Planning
The plan is to work with the museum again for some GIS Day talks. They are usually slated for 1 hour each, but Adam wants to look into providing flexibility to the speaker. Adam also wants to see about presenting at different times. Perhaps a part 1 during the day, and part 2 at the normal evening time. The Geography department will probably hold another open lab event. Adam is planning to host Live Streams from other GIS Day's around the world. The plan is to look into getting the theatre resevered in the IMU.
Steering Committee Members
Still looking for possible members for the GIS Steering Committee. See list in Agenda. Adam will be reaching out to folks soon to see if they are interested.
GIS Users Group
Michelle plans to hold another meet and greet with GIS users soon. Plans to hold it during the day to get more involvement.