Introductions, What's New, IGIC, GIS Day, GIS User Group
Adam, Joe, Nick, Jesse, Michelle, Jay
Adam gave a brief overview of the TAC, followed by introductions. Jay is joining us from Facilities, and Michelle is joining us from IIHR.
What's New
Library GIS Position - There are down to just three candidates. Interviews will be around GIS Day (week). Adam may ask them to speak at GIS Day.
IGIC - Adam wants us to get on the email list. The next bi-annual meeting will be in April in Pella, IA. Folks interested in going should contact Adam.
ArcGIS License - The old license is expiring. ITCs are all converted to the new license, but there might be some one-off installs that still need to be updated.
ArcGIS Pro - It is now available for download. It will ship as part of 10.3.
ArcGIS Online - It is available for use. We are still unsure how fast the credits will go, but we will start giving access to those who request it. The rest of the group will be given admin access to provide support to those requests.
State Data Storage - Jay knows of a UofI repo for GIS data that is currently not being used. Could be a great off-site backup that has levels of access. In the future, may look into creating a sync between on-site storage and the off-site storage (changes only).
UofI ITS Data Storage - Adam shared some information to Jay and Michelle about the new data storage available on-site.
Website - Joe/Adam will get a GIS Day page placed on the website. Joe will look into getting a spotlight on, but he needs a large image to send in. Joe/Adam will get events posted to Adam/Nick will try to get a mass email sent out. Adam will have the Geography department print out flyers.
List of Events -
- Walk around demos
- Graduate student and staff talks.
- Iowa State is live streaming their GIS Day via a grant from IGIC. Adam is going to reserve a room to host the live stream.
- 243 Open House
- Adam will be holding some GIS beginner training sessions.
- The Natural History Museum will be having a GIS Day focus on November 20th. Details to come.
User Group
A sub-committee of Jesse, Michelle, Jay, and Joe will facilitate the first meeting of the GIS User Group.
The focus of the meeting will be to highlight products and services available (, Virtual Campus, Base data, Listserv, etc.), a brief talk from someone doing something cool in GIS, and establishing the user group foundation (meetings, chairs, format, etc.).
Joe will start a Listserv group and create a user group section within the existing website.
There will be email communication between the group to setup a time, place, agenda, etc.
Action Items:
Action Items Leftover
- [Adam] - Talk to StateFarm about fall semester talk with students.
- [Adam/Jeremie] - Get list of possible speakers from Jeremie.
- [Alex/Jay] - Talk to tree group about talking at GIS day about mapping campus trees.
- [Adam] - Storage scheme for GIS Data.
- [Alex/Jay] - Uploading campus base data to the network storage.
- [Joe] - See about getting ITS funds for snacks/refreshments.
- [ALL] - Get in touch with CIC schools about similar GIS groups and how they operate.
- [Nick] - Adam says Nick is working on some GIS support articles for ITS info center.
- [Joe] - Advertise on the GIS website.
- [ALL] - Sign up for the IGIC email list if you haven't already done so.
New Action Items
- [ALL] - Spread word about the old license expiring.
- [Adam/Nick] - Update the group.
- [Adam/Nick] - Provide admin access/instruction for ArcGIS Online to the rest of the gis-help group.
- [Adam] - Provide access details to Jay regarding the GIS Data storage.
- [Jay] - Provide details to group about the state data repo.
- [Adam] - Send out list of GIS Day event times and spots for speakers.
- [Joe/Adam] - GIS Day Page
- [Joe/Adam] - event entries
- [Joe] - featured GIS spotlight that links to GIS Day page.
- [ALL] - Send GIS photos to Joe for various promotion methods. image needs to be large.
- [Adam] - Keep doing what you are doing for GIS Day. Speakers, live stream, open house, training sessions, etc.
- [Joe] - Establish GIS User Group listserv.
- [Joe] - Setup user group section of the website.
- [Jesse, Michelle, Jay, Joe] - Setup first user group meeting.
- [Adam] - Advertise GIS website somewhere on the department website